At Hipoteken, we have teamed up with Currencies Direct, a specialist in the currency exchange field who have been present in Spain over 21-years and have massive expertise in exchange rates and international money transfers. With 20 offices around Spain, they offer online banking, trading advice, on the ground services, and have massive expertise in exchange rates and international money transfers. More importantly, they will be able to save buyers thousands of euros on the purchase process!

No Fees

No fees for receiving the funds transferred to your Spanish bank account. Guaranteed – sending money from outside the EU to Spain can result in banks charging anywhere between 0,2% and 0,6% on the amount transferred.

Better Rates

Better exchange rates – sending money directly from your overseas bank to your Spanish bank means the bank applies the exchange rate. Have you ever checked what they apply? Make sure you get the best exchange rate possible.

Low Commissions

Transfer commissions – when you are making an international transfer, banks will usually charge a commission to send this transfer. Currencies Direct can help you save money with lower charges on these commissions too!

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